Do You Want To Create The Life You Desire – In Any Challenging Circumstance?
Have you aligned your Life with the 3 Key Points that will enable you to not just survive, but thrive? As always, admission to ReBoot Camp Retreat is extremely competitive, and space is limited. But if you’re accepted, you can expect to open yourself to an unparralleled experience that will dramatically change your mind, body, and spirit. Early enrollment has just begun, and now is the best time to apply! |
What if in 6 days you could take control over your life and achieve the body you know you deserve?
Have you thought about what it would be like to take control over your life, and get what you want from your
mind and body? What kind of life would you have if you could wake up every morning and jump out of bed excited to start the day-- eating right and working out, knowing that you were completely aligned in mind and body? |
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What is stopping you from having the body you want right now?

Often times there's something that seems to hold us back, an internal conflict, something that causes us to self-sabotage. Do you know anyone who has sabotaged their own body? Would you like to learn how to re-prioritize your habits to put your health and well-being first?
Our body in life is determined by the decisions we make, moment-by-moment

These decisions, and the actions that result from them, are ultimately determined by our beliefs, values, rules and experiences. When these forces are in conflict or chaos, the inevitable result is self-sabotage, frustration and challenge.

- What if at ReBoot Camp you could align these powerful forces, and pull yourself in the direction of your Ultimate Body Vision?
- We want Rebooters to power yourself with a clarity that brings health and fulfillment to your body and a mind filled with passion and purpose?
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Re~Vive! In 6 days at ReBoot Camp, this is exactly what you will accomplish:
Ask anyone who has ever attended a ReBoot Camp™ Retreat and they will tell you that the decision to attend was the decision that changed their life.

It's not hyperbole. And it's not because of me. It's because of the tools and strategies that anyone can implement to make a change in their life. Give yourself the best. ReBoot Camp ™ is the best program to change your body. Nothing better exists, with no exaggeration. And here's why:
I've developed a proven program of Kickboxing, Cross-Training and Improvised Training with over 17 years of research and by working with over 10,000 people in classes, small groups, and one-on-one. I'm the guy who gets the call when the Wall Street Executive is burning out, or I get the call from the new mother who has given up on her body. And they don't call me for motivation—they call me because I know how to help them make an immediate shift in their bodies. At ReBoot you will be empowered with the same skills, tools, and strategies I've mastered over the last decade and a half so you can create this shift in your own body and the lives of those you love. Make the decision now that your body will never be the same again. What does it take to fly across the earth and give six days of your life with these uncertain external conditions? It takes someone who knows that somewhere inside there's a hunger to not settle for less than you know you're capable of.
It takes the type of person who is honest with themselves and has woken up to say, "I will no longer settle."It takes someone who is always looking for cutting edge workouts to make a difference. Someone who demands an extraordinary body in which they are secure and comfortable enough in to do, be, share, and create anything they want. Their mindset is not just about themselves, but also how to contribute in a significant way... If this person is you...
EMAIL NOW! Because of the personal attention given at this program, and the beautiful international destination in which this program is held, space is limited. Don't put off having the body of your dreams.
Make ReBoot Camp ™ a reality today!
I look forward to seeing you soon,Until then, Stay Strong and Work Out with Passion!

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Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee. Your decision to attend is absolutely risk free. If after participating in the first half of any session of ReBoot Camp you decide the event is not right for you, simply notify in writing to a designated official at the program and turn in your materials. We will fully refund your tuition for that session of ReBoot Camp. You have nothing to lose, and imagine what you will gain!