Michael Andreula Presents
ReBoot Camp Retreat™
Becoming the Hero of Your Own Journey
The Leap Of Faith
What if in 6 days you could take control over your life and achieve the body you know you deserve?
Riding horses, making bowls from gourds, and using a machete to open a coconut. These activities aren't normally associated with a fitness retreat, but with a Reboot Camp trip, they're not only a great diversion from the twice-daily workouts, they're necessary.
Taking on the project of redesigning yourself, rebooting your life, if you will, needs the right environment. The originators of the original boot camp experience, the military, understood that. To make someone new -- to get rid of the bad habits and give a foundation for the good -- isn't all about the physical. You have to take the individual out of their comfort zone, move them to new locations, and turn their world upside-down. You have to break down what was, to build what is to be.
Reboot Camp trips are outside of the United States to provide a chance to travel and visit new locations, but also for another reason: to mess with your head. In a completely different location, with everything in a different context, the only thing left from your life is YOU. There's no job. No cell phone. Nothing but the workouts on the beach and immersing yourself in the way that other people live.
A typical day on a Reboot Camp retreat starts out with stretching and meditation to prepare yourself. And then the workout: Either pad work on the sand, or running and pushups in the surf, or striking practice with hanging banana tree trunks. The rest of the day is filled with surfing, hiking, restorative massage, swimming, getting to know your surroundings, and whatever else you may want to do. The evening workout takes you back to the beach at sunset, where you finish the day's physical activity, and again stretch and meditate. Dinner is often prepared and served by a campfire, and consists of seafood caught only hours before.
On Reboot Camp retreats, not everyone rides a horse while wielding a machete. But some people do. You don't have to take a six hour nature walk, lead by a local, to snorkel, hike, and photograph birds and monkeys. But you can if you want. And not a single person has to leave their life behind for a week, cast everything off, and find out what it's like to rebuild themselves and start over. But for those that want to, there are Reboot Camp retreats.
Taking on the project of redesigning yourself, rebooting your life, if you will, needs the right environment. The originators of the original boot camp experience, the military, understood that. To make someone new -- to get rid of the bad habits and give a foundation for the good -- isn't all about the physical. You have to take the individual out of their comfort zone, move them to new locations, and turn their world upside-down. You have to break down what was, to build what is to be.
Reboot Camp trips are outside of the United States to provide a chance to travel and visit new locations, but also for another reason: to mess with your head. In a completely different location, with everything in a different context, the only thing left from your life is YOU. There's no job. No cell phone. Nothing but the workouts on the beach and immersing yourself in the way that other people live.
A typical day on a Reboot Camp retreat starts out with stretching and meditation to prepare yourself. And then the workout: Either pad work on the sand, or running and pushups in the surf, or striking practice with hanging banana tree trunks. The rest of the day is filled with surfing, hiking, restorative massage, swimming, getting to know your surroundings, and whatever else you may want to do. The evening workout takes you back to the beach at sunset, where you finish the day's physical activity, and again stretch and meditate. Dinner is often prepared and served by a campfire, and consists of seafood caught only hours before.
On Reboot Camp retreats, not everyone rides a horse while wielding a machete. But some people do. You don't have to take a six hour nature walk, lead by a local, to snorkel, hike, and photograph birds and monkeys. But you can if you want. And not a single person has to leave their life behind for a week, cast everything off, and find out what it's like to rebuild themselves and start over. But for those that want to, there are Reboot Camp retreats.
“Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying.”
"It’s something Andy Dufresne says to Red in a memorable scene in the movie The Shawshank Redemption. I have always loved that quote, but not until Mike’s Reboot Camp did I really embrace its true meaning. For the first time in a long time, Mike had me feeling like I was living. While most of my vacations in the past had proved to be a nice temporary escape from reality, this unique journey helped me define a new reality, cherishing and appreciating what really matters. What started as a much needed getaway, quickly evolved into an adventure of self-discovery, self-confidence, self-awareness and self-awakening. During the trip I was in constant awe of my surreal surroundings—the jawdropping sunsets, the picturesque beaches, the clear water, but truthfully I was more in awe of Mike and his unwavering commitment to me. Mike made it his personal mission to remind me about valuing the quality of my life, to re-connecting with the things that matter, to finding my way to a healthier path. His knowledge and insight were equally as impressive as the sunsets. Most of all, he believed in me, and in turn I believed in me. Joining the Reboot Camp "was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am truly grateful for the experience, for Mike’s dedication, and for the much needed perspective and energy it afforded me."
Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying.
Brad Feldman
Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee.

Your decision to attend is absolutely risk free. If after participating in the first session of ReBoot Camp you decide the event is not right for you, simply notify in writing to a designated official at the program and turn in your materials. We will fully refund your tuition for that session of ReBoot Camp minus the first day. You have nothing to lose, and imagine what you will gain!